Sunday 12 July 2009

ReSharper for Visual Studio 2010 (Preview)

Finally JetBrains launched ReSharper v.5.0 for VS2010 after a month delay against previous announce.

Installation it self should be a bit tricky. First of all download a nightly build of ReSharper from

ReSharper EAP - ReSharper for Visual Studio 2010 (Preview). The download links are located at the very end of the page.

1) Before you click on downloaded .vsix file I highly recommend to click on "Load extensions from my local application data folder" in Tools/Options, Extension Manager menu.

2) Close all your VS2010 instances

3) After that click on downloaded .vsix file, following installation dialog.

4) Start VS2010 and open Tools | Extensions Manager menu and confirm that ReSharper is there


5) Maybe you will meet with registration of evaluation period during VS2010 start up. Basically evaluation period should start automatically, if not use following credentials:  (this will provide you a temporary license till 07/23/2009). I heard that keys from ReSharper 4.5 are working as well.

User Name: VS2010Beta1
License Key: 0-dY16Cav/tdLePfqRzD2kp37wt2HXosbp


Check JetBrains Resharper EAP VS2010 regularly for updates.